clix - 2. The story of Malaria
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Malaria story: Activity 4 - Different types of mosquitoes


Work in groups to collect some mosquitoes from your school or home.

You can kill them if you are not able to collect live mosquitoes.

Keep the mosquitoes on a white background and look at them carefully  

Think of the following things and complete the following table using as many mosquitoes as you can catch.

Q1. What time of the day did you catch it (night/daytime)?

Q2. Is it completely black or does it have stripes or spots on it?

Q3. Where did you find it?

You can make a table like the one given below to note your observations

Serial number

Time (Night or Day)

Black completely (yes/no)

Stripes on wings


Spots on legs



Compare your tables with other groups.


There are 3 main types of mosquitoes that you will find in your neighbourhood. The ones that are completely black are called Culex. The ones which have stripes on wings are called Anopheles. Anopheles mosquitoes are also usually smaller than the other types. These are the ones that can carry malaria. The ones which have black and white spots are called Aedes. Aedes mosquitoes can carry the dengue just like anopheles can carry malaria.

[Contributed by administrator on 14. März 2018 20:00:45]


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